Samba - mounting share from linux

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required packages

on gentoo... look for something similar in your distro's repo


Listing samba / cifs shares

# smbclient -L xpmachine
Enter root's password: 
Domain=[xpmachine] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- E$ Disk Default share IPC$ IPC Remote IPC cdrom Disk data Disk ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin C$ Disk Default share Domain=[xpmachine] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] Server Comment --------- ------- Workgroup Master --------- -------

Mount command syntax

newer mount command (smbfs depricated)

mount -t cifs //server/E$ /mnt/test -o username=jsmith/mydomain,password=hackth1s

required package for cifs file type on debian: cifs-utils

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

This might require the mount-cifs package

Allowing user right permissions

if you don't specify uid and gid in mount command and mount as root, write attempts for regular users will get "permission denied".


suppose I mounted a samba drive on as root (including using sudo). When I check how it was mounted with the "mount" command I can see the uid and gid parmeters are 0 for root.

$ mount | grep
// on /home/jsmith/samba type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=default,cache=strict,username=jsmith,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,soft,nounix,serverino,mapposix,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,echo_interval=60,actimeo=1)


when running the mount command, set uid and/or gid to include the user(s) of interest


sudo mount -t cifs // /home/jsmith/samba -o rw,username=jsmith,uid=1000,gid=1000

where the uid/gid match the user as seen in the passwd file

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep jsmith
$ mount | grep

// on /home/jsmith/samba type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=default,cache=strict,username=jsmith,uid=1000,forceuid,gid=1000,forcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,soft,nounix,serverino,mapposix,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,echo_interval=60,actimeo=1)


old mount command

mount -t smbfs //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=mywindowsusername,password=mywindowspassword

samba users

/etc/samba/smb.conf Uncomment the security line *** this will require a local user account for each smbuser ***

security = user
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

make local user account, no hoee dir or local passwd needs to be set

useradd smbuser

add user to /etc/samba/smbusers

<localusername> = “<samba username>”.


smbuser = smbuser