splunk enterprise install

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version: splunk 9.2.1

O.S. - debian 12

filesystem /dev/mapper/splunkvm--vg-root 18G 8.6G 8.3G 51% / /dev/mapper/splunkvm--vg-home 20G 651M 19G 4% /home /dev/mapper/splunkvm--vg-var 52G 3.3G 47G 7% /var /dev/mapper/splunkvm--vg-tmp 433M 17K 405M 1% /tmp

install steps

download package

install package

# dpkg -i splunk-9.2.1-78803f08aabb-linux-2.6-amd64.deb

change SPLUNK_DB default location or it will fill the root filesystem.

# vi /opt/splunk/etc/splunk-launch.conf


# SPLUNK_DB=/home/build/build-home/var/lib/splunk



start splunk and set admin username/password

# /opt/splunk/bin/splunk start --accept-license
Please enter an administrator username: splunkadmin
Password must contain at least:
  * 8 total printable ASCII character(s).
Please enter a new password: ********
Please confirm new password: ********

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