Android SDK reference

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starting the android sdk manager

 ~/src/android_sdk/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools $ android

new android projects

Some files like contain paths, like the one to the android SDK. These will be different between yourself and other developers. So, this file is excluded from git. The android update command needs to be run

  1. prior to compiling a new project for the first time
  2. if I move the location of the android SDK
  3. might need to run it after future SDK updates


 2:40PM:hostname:5956> android update project --path ~/src/empire
 Updated file /home/jonedoe/src/empire/proguard.cfg

building / compiling projects

ant is the java compiler. example:

 2:47PM:box:5961> ant debug
 Buildfile: /home/johndoe/src/empire/build.xml
 Total time: 5 seconds

install app to emulator

 /android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/adb install -r bin/example-app.apk